Tell us Brad, what have you been up to.
Training of course. It's baseball season now, so I've been watching a lot of baseball. Went to the Royals home opener yesterday and watched us spank the Yankees. Taking my nephew turkey hunting this weekend.
I heard you were in a movie. How'd you get involved in acting?
The producer called Monte and said they needed a guy bigger than Dolph Lundgren. Monte said "I know just the guy." The rest is history.
How'd you get started in MMA?
Got laid off work and needed to make some money. A buddy told me the Japanese love big, white guys and I could make a killing. I started training, 8 months later I was on the Ultimate Fighter.
Who were some of your favorite fighters when you were younger?
I didn't really watch a lot of fighting, but I watched a lot of movies. I'd have to say Rocky Balboa.
What fighters do you enjoy watching fight now?
Anderson Silva, Ben Rothwell, and Georges St. Pierre
Is it wrong to expect that all your matches will end by a gogoplata?
Yes! There was as much luck as skill (maybe more) involved in me pulling those off in the first place. It may happen again, but not often.
How did you get selected for the Ultimate Fighter?
I was huge and looked the part. It certainly wasn't cause I knew what I was doing. But, I learned quick and made the most of the experience.
Going into the house who did you think were the favorites to win the two contracts?
Mike Whitehead, Seth Petruzelli, and Keith Jardine among the heavies. Joe was the odds on favorite among the welters.
Did you have a preference as to who was your coach? Franklin or Hughes)
No. Honestly, at the time I hardly new anything about either one.
Do you keep in touch with any of those guys from the show?
Yes. Mike and Seth most regularly, but I'm still close with a number of guys from the show.
I remember watching the Finale and thinking you had won the fight against Rashad.He did land a few bombs that knocked you down but it seemed like you were the one on control of the fight. Do you ever think to yourself "Man, if I had only done this or that it might have been different?"
Honestly, I don't. He got everything I had in that fight and I came up just short. I can live with that. If I had held something back, then it would haunt me.
Are you suprised to see Rashad do as well as he has in the UFC?
No. A lot of people have underestimated Rashad, and continue to. He's loaded with talent and heart.
When is your next fight?
CFC: May 17 in Newcastle, England vs. Buzz Berry
Have you heard anything from the UFC as far as a possible return? They have a shortage in the heavyweight division and it would be good to see you back in there.
Right now I'm going to the highest bidder. If they can make it worthwhile, I'd love to get back in the Octagon.
Thanks again Brad. Anything else you'd like to say to your fans?
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